web storico di metro olografix

the Italian Gathering: 1997 | 1998


There will be compos for Amiga and PC.

PC: (standard P133Mhz/16Mb/SB 16bit)
Demo (max. 4Mb)
Intro (max. 64Kb)

Amiga: (standard 68030-50/6Mb)
Demo (max. 4Mb)
Intro (max. 64Kb)

Common compos (for both Amiga and PC) :
Mod 4 Canali
Mod Multi-Canale
Pics 640x480 : about "Human-machine interaction"

You can vote using the modules that will be given to the entrance of the party.
We have also decided to give the chance to vote also to the people on the internet.
On the 6 September (afternoon at 15:00) it will be possible to vote by downloading the works presented to the party directly via this site. The results will be computed by considering the votings of the people at the partyplace and the ones of the people who voted via internet.

The prizes

The prizes will be hardware peripherals and they are assignment as following:
Demo : Hard Disk 1,7Gb EIDE

Intro : Iomega Zip Parallel

Mod 4 Channels : Modem 33,6Kbps External

Mod Multi-Channel : Modem 33,6Kbps External

Pics : Modem 33,6Kbps External

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NoCopyright 1997
web design: cerin0@hotmail.com

Si ringrazia:
Arci Nuova Associazione Pescara
Metro Olografix Association
Comune di Pescara